The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court has denied the bail application of Nikhat Ansari, the daughter-in-law of incarcerated gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari. Nikhat Ansari, who is married to Mau MLA Abbas Ansari, had sought bail, but Justice Subhash Vidyarthi rejected the application. This article provides an overview of the court's decision and the circumstances leading to Nikhat Ansari's arrest.
Court Denies Bail Application
The Allahabad High Court's Lucknow bench, presided over by Justice Subhash Vidyarthi, has declined the bail plea filed by Nikhat Ansari. This decision means that she will remain in custody following her arrest in connection with her unauthorized meetings with her husband, Abbas Ansari, who is imprisoned. The court has determined that she should not be granted bail at this time.
Unlawful Meetings and Arrest
Nikhat Ansari was apprehended on February 11 when she was found in the VVIP guest room adjacent to the jailor's office inside Chitrakoot jail, where she had gone to meet her husband, Abbas Ansari. Investigations revealed that she had been meeting him for extended durations, typically three to four hours, every second or third day. Shockingly, her visits were facilitated by local jail authorities, and her presence was not recorded in the jail register.
Suspensions and Arrests
As a consequence of the lapse in security and the unlawful meetings, several jail officials were suspended and subsequently arrested, along with Nikhat Ansari. The authorities took swift action against those responsible for enabling her visits to her husband in violation of regulations and procedures.
The Allahabad High Court's Lucknow bench has denied the bail application of Nikhat Ansari, the daughter-in-law of Mukhtar Ansari, who is currently serving a prison sentence. The court's decision reinforces the significance of adhering to legal protocols and underscores the consequences of unauthorized actions. The case serves as a reminder that everyone must respect the law and ensure that proper procedures are followed, particularly within the confines of correctional facilities.