A recently married woman has reportedly left her husband's house just seven days after their wedding, taking cash, jewellery, and other belongings with her. The incident came to light after a complaint was registered at the Rasoolabad police station in the district. The husband alleges that a local individual accepted Rs 70,000 from him for arranging the marriage and claims that the woman disappeared on May 23, along with Rs 50,000 in cash and the jewellery gifted to her. An investigation is currently underway regarding the matter.
Complaint Lodged after Newly Married Woman's Disappearance
Ram Karan, a resident of Nirala Nagar, filed a complaint at the Rasoolabad police station, revealing the circumstances surrounding his wife's sudden departure. According to his statement, a local person assisted in arranging the marriage between him and a woman from Bihar. After the payment of Rs 70,000, the wedding ceremony took place at Dharamgarh Baba temple on May 15. Subsequently, the couple returned to the village, but on May 23, Ram Karan discovered his wife missing, along with Rs 50,000 in cash and the jewellery that he had gifted her during the wedding.
Investigation Initiated by Authorities
The station house officer, Ram Govind Mishra, confirmed that an FIR (First Information Report) had been registered regarding the incident, and an investigation was in progress. The authorities are working to gather more information, uncover the truth behind the woman's disappearance, and locate the missing cash and jewellery. Further details about the case will be revealed as the investigation unfolds.
A complaint has been filed after a newly married woman allegedly absconded from her husband's residence, taking cash and jewellery along with her. The husband claims that a local individual facilitated the marriage arrangement in exchange for Rs 70,000. Despite the ceremony taking place smoothly, the woman vanished just a week later, leaving behind her husband and the valuable items. The police have taken the complaint seriously and initiated an investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident, aiming to recover the missing cash and jewellery. Updates on the case will be provided as the investigation progresses.